Tricks on Cutting the Clutter in Your Office

Clutter is the greatest enemy of any office worker. When everything is all over the place, concentration is surely a lot of hard work. Other than that, it speaks so many things about your professionalism, and of the vibe in the office, in general. Whether you’re an office administrator or someone who works from home, here are some things you should do to reduce the clutter.

Start With the Size of the Space

Maybe the size of your workspace is the culprit. People working in smaller cubicles tend to just put things on top of each other creating a pile of clutter. The solution? Expand your walls to make for a bigger space. When you have a bigger space, you will be compelled to organize stuff so they won’t get lost. Use every inch of the space to your benefit.

Make Your Shelving Smart

Don’t just keep your shelves under the table. You might choose to put little versions of them over the table for smaller items like staple wires, clips, and pens. If you want to do away with bulky file cabinets, you might want the idea of installing open shelves on the walls.

Re-Assess Your Possessions

Start from scratch and sort all your items to see the things you don’t need anymore. Pens with no inks, excess papers, and other junk should all go straight into the bin. Don’t be a hoarder.

Clean Before You Go

Cleanliness is a habit. This means you have to let go of some of your practices, especially leaving your office untidy before you leave for home. Clean off your workstation every after work so you’ll come to a clean desk every morning. This will surely inspire you to start working.

Clutter is here to stay, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do something to control it. Prioritise your items, restructure your office if needed, and change your habits. When it comes to restructuring needs, especially involving walls and shelving, we can offer you great help. Call us today for a quote.